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Jan 26, 2009

Travel to Singapore - Part III

Yup.... here I have detailed on what I saw in Sentosa.
  • Images of Singapore (Museum): This was an excellent place depicting Singapore's history and how it was born. Just have a look at the following snaps.......

I have not gone too deep into how and why of all events and happenings but tried to be pictorially depict the entire thing. So here we go...
  1. Commercial square:

2. Early Chinese immigrant:

3. Harbour and dockside:

4. Indian milk seller:

5. Letter writer:

6. Chinese hand puppets:

7. Rikshaw puller:

8. Coyller Quay:

9. Empress place:

10. Life during occupation: This was when the Japanese occupied. They interred and
executed thousands of Europeans. This is considered to be the darkest period ever in the
history of Singapore.

11. Signing of pact: In 1819, a British official named, Sir Stamford raffles arrived in Singapore
with the plan of creating a port. He then signed a treaty with Malaysian rulers. This granted
the British to build the port. It was the endurance of the people in Singapore that the
Japanese surrendered. And it was this meeting of cultures that the modern Singapore was
Signing of pact and road to independence:

I saw many more in Sentosa. I will post in my next post.

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